
010//Letter to the Class

Dear Class,
Greetings.  Hope you are making good use of Veterans Day (退伍軍人節, tui4 wu3 jun1 ren2 jie2) break. 
This week-- Miao's work-station computer broke.  So, the blog-update will delay for a while.  However, business is business: 
  1. Please do the homework; 10-20 mins each day will be great. Turn in whatever you have finished (anything!) and earn your star.  And, hand in the Class-dialog page printed and signed. 
  2. Joy of Reading!  You can still hand in your Oct. list and earn your points. 
  3. Week 10 assignment:  Steven (Holidays), please send me your "picks" asap.  book-to-read in charge:  Jessie, please bring in a Chinese book for class. 
  4. Our theme this and next week:  Sports.  Please think and pick 2 sports you enjoy most and share with the class this coming Sunday (2010.11.14). 
  5. Contact Miao: 978-369-3139; Hsumao2005@gmail.com regarding all questions, concerns and absence. 
  1. Additional note from LCS, Vice Principal, Jennifer Ko :  This year, one of the biggest LCS events, the ski trip during the Christmas break, will take place on Dec 24 - Dec. 26 (Friday – Sunday). We will stay in Indian Head Resort and ski at Loon Mountain, NH. The registration form can be downloaded from LCS website, http://www.lcs-chinese.org .  Space is limited, please sign up soon. Deadline: 11/25/10We need everyone's support for the trip. If you can volunteer your time or donate gifts for the raffle, Please contact Vice Principal, Jennifer Ko at   978-692-5609 or V_principal@lcs-chinese.org. Thank you for your help.