
004//Letter to the Class

Dear Class,
Hope you are having a nice week.  
Never mind the rain, we can live as happy as we can.  :-)
Did you know the day of 09.28 has special meaning?  Check it out (or Google it) and share your findings (clue-- think "Confucius") with us.  

So now, let's talk business.  

I.  Announcements:  
     1.  "Teacher-Parents Meeting" on 2010.10.03 (*this week*), 1:30 pm, will be in *CAFETERIA*. (We have to change the meeting place due to our classroom won't be opened until 1:50pm).  
     2.  "Joy of Reading" is on-- time to earn your gift card($)!  Please log your reading @the Joy-of-Reading-Log.  (sorry, the form is an old version, i don't have the 2010 form in link yet...)  
     3.  Happy Birthday to:  Adrian (10.02) and Ariana (10.08)!!

II.  Homework and Assignment:  
     1.  Homework due:  3 pages//  p.13-4~~13-6 from your homework packet.  If you have not turned "p.13-1~~13-3" in last week, please do so this week.
     4.  Book assignment:  Adrian is in charge.  Please bring in your book (inChinese). 

III.  Preparations for class:  
     2.  Our theme:  Clothing.  What would you like to learn?  At least 2 inputs (each student), please.
     3.  Check through this week blog postings (4 pages:  textbook, poetry, project assignment and letter of the week).  
If possible:  Check out LCS-09/26/2010 most current news at:

See you soon on Sunday.  If not able to come to class, please do call/email me in advance:
@978-369-3139  (home)
@860-416-3232  (cell)  
Best Regards,


(click for bopomofo-pinyin text:)  

1.  木 瓜  mu4--gua1  (Papaya) 
2.  芒 果  mang2--guo3  (Mango)

3.  檸 檬  ning2--meng2  (Lemon)
4.  奇 異 果 qi2--yi4--guo3 (Kiwi)
5.  楊 桃 yang2--tao2 (Star Fruit)

木 瓜Mu4--gua1 Papaya

(Carica papaya)
芒 果 Mang2--guo3 Mango
檸 檬 Ning2--meng2 Lemon
奇 異 果Qi2--yi4--guo3 Kiwi
楊 桃Yang2tao2 Carambola

(Star fruit)

004//Poetry//Putting on cloth

穿 衣 歌  
The putting on clothes song  

  (click here for text-bopomofo)

小 胳 膊, 
small arms,  
穿 袖 子, 穿 上 衣, 扣 子;  
chuan1--xiu4--zi5, chuan1--shang4--yi1, kou4--kou4--zi5;  
put on the sleeve, put on the top, button up the buttons;

小 腳 丫, 
the small feet,  
穿 褲 子, 
穿 上 襪 子   穿 鞋 子.  

put on the pants, put on the socks then put on the shoes.





Better Chinese Lesson_14 (click here for text-bopomofo)

Part I:

Pinyin:  ba4--ba5--jin1--tian1--chuan1--she2--me5  ?  
Translation:  What is daddy wearing today?  



Pinyin:  ba4--ba5--jin1--tian1--chuan1--xi1--zhuang1 .

Translation: Daddy wears a suit today.



Pinyin:  ta1--chuan1--hei1--se4--de5--xi1--zhuang1 .

Translation: Daddy wears a suit today.



Pinyin: ma1--ma5--jin1--tian1--chuan1--she1--me5?

Translation: What is mommy wearing today?  

今天穿紅上衣, 紅裙子.

Pinyin: ma1--ma5--jin1--tian1--chuan1--hong2--shang4--yi1,  hong2--qun2--zi5,

Translation: Mommy wears red top and red skirt today.


Part II:


Pinyin: ge1--ge5--chuan1--bai2--shang4--yi1--he2--lan2--duan3--ku4.

Translation: Elder brother wears white top and blue shorts.


我今天穿白上衣, 黑短褲和黑鞋子.

Pinyin: wo3--jin1--tian1--chuan1--bai2--shang4--yi1,  hei1 duan3--ku4--he2--hei1--xie2--zi5.

Translation: I wear white top, black shorts and black shoes today.


穿白上衣, 咖啡色褲子.

Pinyin: di4--di5--chuan1--bai2--shang4--yi1, ka1--fei1--se4--ku4--zi5.

Translation: Little brother wears white top and brown pants.



Pinyin: jie1--jie5--chuan1--huang2--shang4--yi1,  bai2--qun2--zi5,  he2--hong2--xie2--zi5.

Translation: Elder sister wears yellow top, white skirt and red shoes.


也穿黃上衣, 妹不穿白裙子, 她穿綠裙子.

Pinyin: mei4--mei5--ye3--chuan1--huang2--shang4--yi1, mei4--mei5--bu4--chuan1 --bai2--qun2--zi5,  ta1--chuan1--lu4--qun2--zi5,

Translation: Little sister wears yellow top too but not white skirt. She wears green skirt.