
010//Class Dialog (聯絡單)

Student Name: ___________________________
Parent's signature:_______________________________


010 (2010.11.14-2010.11.20)  
What we do in class:
  1. Text: Lesson 16: Sports
  2. Practice characters
  3. Poem:  Run!  
  4. Assignment: Holidays (Steven)-- (move to next week//011)
  5. xxx-Book reading: Jessie  
  6. Contest Pre. (team assigned)  
What to do at home:
  1. Browse through our blog for this week
  2. Flashcards: 10-15 cards.
  3. Joy of reading.
What to hand in next week:
  1. Homework pages: Lesson 16: page 1-3.
  2. This page signed by you and your parents.
Notes from Miao:
  1. Please do the homework; 10-20 mins each day will be great. Turn in however much you finished and earn your star.
  2. Contact Miao: 978-369-3139

Feedback from you & parents: